
GSOP is an educational institution sponsored by, and affiliated with, churches of Christ in Georgia. Our founding and sponsoring congregation is the Piedmont Road church of Christ in Marietta, Georgia.

The Piedmont Road elders oversee the operation of the Marietta campus, and the Office and work of the GSOP Director.

GSOP is a tuition-free institution of learning, designed to instruct its students in The Holy Bible and related areas of study. GSOP is a tool designed to assist its students in preparation for effective, fruitful service in the Lord’s church. We have campuses strategically located throughout Georgia, with additional satellite locations being added as the demand for our courses continues to grow.

Our instructors are sound, faith preachers of the gospel who adhere strictly to a thorough exegesis of the biblical text. They each possess earned degrees from accredited academic institutions, as well as multiple years of experience in local church work, evangelism, missions, and counseling.

Our curriculum is a comprehensive, well balanced program that is designed to be completed in as few as three calendar years of work. All courses involve classroom instruction, with online courses requiring only a minimum of on-campus hours.

Students have the option to take courses for either credit or audit, and may earn one of four certificates offered upon completion of all academic requirements. GSOP credits are transferable to other schools of preaching and select undergraduate institutions affiliated with churches of Christ.

Please, come take a course and bring a friend!