
The curriculum at the Georgia School of Preaching & Biblical Studies is structured on two separate paths of academic achievement and graduation: 1) Sixty-six (66) hours; 2) Forty-eight (48)hours.

Courses are designed on a one (1) or three (3) hour academic credit basis. One (1) hour courses require a minimum of fourteen (14) hours of instruction – or the equivalent.Three (3) hour courses require a minimum of thirty-four (34) hours of instruction – or the equivalent.

In GSOP satellite campuses which do not offer a full semester schedule of in-class hours, the equivalency requirement is fulfilled through completion of independent study projects such as outside readings, research papers, or other exercises determined and developed by the course Instructor.

GSOP curriculum is based on one of four paths of study and achievement:

1) Preaching Certificate: Designed for those who wish to prepare for service in full-time ministry.

2) Biblical Studies Certificate: General path of study designed for any student.

3) Church Leadership Certificate: Designed for those serving, or intending to serve, as elders, deacons, and in other facets of church / congregational leadership.

4) Missions Certificate: Path of study designed to prepare students to serve in either domestic or foreign missions settings.

Please consult the GSOP Student Handbook and Catalogue for curriculum design, and a complete listing of all courses required for each Certificate path.

Click here for specific Course Descriptions.