Archived Courses

Our Adairsville campus is responsible for administering GSOP archived courses. If you have any questions about our current archived courses catalog please fill out the contact form below and the campus director will reach out to you as soon as possible.

The GSOP courses listed on this page have been filmed and archived for your convenience. Online instruction is only a part of what we do, and will never replace the blessings derived from a “live” classroom. However, with the pace of life for most people in our modern world, online study sometimes makes the most sense.

To register, simply complete the form below. Your instructor(s) will email you with details on how to get started. You may go ahead and preview any of the archived courses by clicking on a course title.

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Are you a first-time GSOP student?
Available Archived Courses for Credit
Available Archived Courses for Audit
Would you like to be contacted for more information about our school or certificate programs?

Administering our archived courses is brother Rick Lawson, who is the preacher for the Adairsville congregation.

Available Courses